I am a fluent EventScripter. My premiere work is PracticeMod which no longer works because of the CSS update, followed by Squads Mod and Pure Jailbreak. PracticeMod originated from Practice Weapon Restrictions which aimed at simply restricting weapons to lower ranking members. Pure Jail Break came from Jail Break Muting, which aimed at simply muting Terrorists, Spectators, and Dead Counter-Terrorists for a free-flowing game of Jail Break.
I also started working on Array, HordeMode, PandaHacks, UnitRename, UnitScrimmage, DeadChat, Juggernaut, MercFire, Pause, Specter, SurfDeathmatch, and WeaponRestrictions. As a quick description of each:
- Array was to create managable arrays in EventScripts.
- HordeMode was a port of two cfg scripts by White to spawn 300 health bots with only knives and the players had to survive for 3 minutes.
- PandaHacks are a number of scripts converted from cfg to EventScript provided by TechPanda.
- UnitRename was a script that would change a |KTM| member's name to full Greek with a squad symbol and appropriate tags but the CSS update stopped that.
- UnitScrimmage was a port of PracticeMod that would allow CSS teams to have Ready Up scrimmages.
- DeadChat was a script to allow dead players to chat deprecated by DeadMsg (not my script).
- Juggernaut was a script that would spawn one Juggernaut/5 players with 999999 health and about 85% speed and the other team would have to kill him.
- Specter was a script that would spawn on Specter/5 players with 1 health and 300% speed.
- SurfDeathmatch creates Deathmatch in Surf.
- WeaponRestrictions was a very linear script and one of my first next to PWR. Nothing is automated with loops and every line is written out manually.