I cannot provide the Steam ID of Badgers (STEAM_0:1:19641182) because he disconnected soon after I went to post this report. Basically Broken Demon (STEAM_0:1:10768362) said that anyone could kill him one round. During that round I exploded an incendiary grenade killing him. After the round, with no warning, no inquiry, and no discussion Badgers slays me on my traitor round. He then went on to further claim that Broken was killed by himself with an M16.In addition to some of their more hypocritical rules they also have, "2. Only detectives can give orders, disobeying allows the detectives to hurt (but not instakill) as a warning." So basically detectives are Civil Protection from DarkRP, role-playing in Trouble in Terrorist Town, how fail.
Zylone (STEAM_0:1:33340263) slayed me after I killed Valiant Sparkle ? Tristy (STEAM_0:1:37295513) for shooting at Keww(cats) (STEAM_0:1:33568098). I was almost positive that Keww had taken damage from Valiant, and yet I was slayed on my traitor round anyway for making an honest mistake. Once again, no warning, no inquiry, and no discussion was given.
What I don't understand is why you all slay for even the most minor of RDM. There's a system called karma that takes care of that for you, otherwise why do you even have it? ttt_karma 0.
For a server with "8. Be forgiving. People make mistakes. ..." these two sure weren't forgiving.
Though I agree with their allowing traitor baiting, they disallow killing based on, "he is stalking you / hugging you", as in even if you give a player the standard three warnings, "not responding to a live-check", and "his weapon matches the weapon used to kill someone" (which is valid but can also be used for admin abuse if you followed the path of a traitor after he or she killed someone).
Update:I forgot to check on the thread, and have since read the results. It started with a very friendly Christmas greeting, which almost had me turn around my opinion on this organization, only for the flaming to begin by administrators:
my_hat_stinks (STEAM_0:0:6596910)And:
Alright, this is how you solve threads like these:
This guy is an idiot. Case closed.
Any questions?
FRAG (STEAM_0:0:9884005)So instead of arguing my point (STEAM_0:1:7366484): that slaying on top of karma loss is double jeopardy and therefore wrong, they personally insult me, immediately losing the debate. A community with administrators who do not respect their playerbase does not deserve respect.
This guy has been proven to be an idiot.