Monday, December 19, 2011

Worst Gaming Organization of the Week: Lets Do This Community

I just finished playing on the "      [LDT] Trouble in Terrorist Town *CUSTOM* |" server. It is absolutely terrible. First of all they use =(eGO)=™ strategy of spaces in the server title to magnetize players. To summarize from here:
I cannot provide the Steam ID of Badgers (STEAM_0:1:19641182) because he disconnected soon after I went to post this report. Basically Broken Demon (STEAM_0:1:10768362) said that anyone could kill him one round. During that round I exploded an incendiary grenade killing him. After the round, with no warning, no inquiry, and no discussion Badgers slays me on my traitor round. He then went on to further claim that Broken was killed by himself with an M16.

Zylone (STEAM_0:1:33340263) slayed me after I killed Valiant Sparkle ? Tristy (STEAM_0:1:37295513) for shooting at Keww(cats) (STEAM_0:1:33568098). I was almost positive that Keww had taken damage from Valiant, and yet I was slayed on my traitor round anyway for making an honest mistake. Once again, no warning, no inquiry, and no discussion was given.

What I don't understand is why you all slay for even the most minor of RDM. There's a system called karma that takes care of that for you, otherwise why do you even have it? ttt_karma 0.

For a server with "8. Be forgiving. People make mistakes. ..." these two sure weren't forgiving.
In addition to some of their more hypocritical rules they also have, "2. Only detectives can give orders, disobeying allows the detectives to hurt (but not instakill) as a warning." So basically detectives are Civil Protection from DarkRP, role-playing in Trouble in Terrorist Town, how fail.

Though I agree with their allowing traitor baiting, they disallow killing based on, "he is stalking you / hugging you", as in even if you give a player the standard three warnings, "not responding to a live-check", and "his weapon matches the weapon used to kill someone" (which is valid but can also be used for admin abuse if you followed the path of a traitor after he or she killed someone).

Update:I forgot to check on the thread, and have since read the results. It started with a very friendly Christmas greeting, which almost had me turn around my opinion on this organization, only for the flaming to begin by administrators:
my_hat_stinks (STEAM_0:0:6596910)
Alright, this is how you solve threads like these:

This guy is an idiot. Case closed.

Any questions?
FRAG (STEAM_0:0:9884005)
This guy has been proven to be an idiot.

So instead of arguing my point (STEAM_0:1:7366484): that slaying on top of karma loss is double jeopardy and therefore wrong, they personally insult me, immediately losing the debate. A community with administrators who do not respect their playerbase does not deserve respect.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Worst Gaming Organization of the Week: Syndicate Gamers

Alright, I just finished playing ttt_stadium_v1 on Syndicate Gamers' "sG | Trouble in Terrorist Town"
( and they've earned my WGOW ranking. Basically they have their TTT server set to limited microphone time to an extreme. A player can only talk for about 30 seconds straight with a very slow recharge.

When one of their members basically suicided as traitor by shooting in the middle of a crowd, me and another traitor buddy took the entire round because almost every single innocent stayed in one group. Half of their team later proceeded to troll and flame us, sG | PolloLoco [GFTF] (STEAM_0:1:13186616) in particular.

The main admin, sG | Sportsteen [SO] (STEAM_0:0:5893045), online also muted me (STEAM_0:1:7366484) for replying to all these trolls and flames, as well as respawning himself when he died as traitor.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Worst Gaming Organization of the Week: HeartkoreGaming

Surfer (STEAM_0:1:37961562) and =HKG= Rage (STEAM_0:0:41542511) displayed the worst qualities of this gaming organization tonight. I go up onto the valve on ttt_canyon_a4 to plant a C4 as traitor and Surfer calls me out as having sniped people and thrown away the sniper. I had never had a sniper that round, ipso facto could not throw one away. I had a MAC10 and had not planted my C4 yet. There weren't even weapons on the ground:

As surfer continued to call me out, Rage started shooting me with a scout, eventually killing me.

TTT:   Let's look at the round report for 15 seconds.
    *** Damage log:
    00:55.33 - DMG:      SmurftYours [detective] damaged Da Big Man [innocent] for 149 dmg
    00:55.33 - KILL:     SmurftYours [detective] killed Da Big Man [innocent]
    00:58.16 - KILL:      killed ♥=HKG=♥ CarlyBlue [innocent]
    01:21.13 - DMG:      SmurftYours [detective] damaged =HkG= Shryko [innocent] for 55 dmg
    01:49.06 - DMG:      =HKG= Rage [innocent] damaged =HkG= CryptKleaner [traitor] for 200 dmg
    01:49.06 - KILL:     =HKG= Rage [innocent] killed =HkG= CryptKleaner [traitor]
    02:38.43 - DMG:      =HKG= Rage [innocent] damaged |UGA|PatPeter [traitor] for 50 dmg
    02:46.60 - DMG:      =HKG= Rage [innocent] damaged |UGA|PatPeter [traitor] for 50 dmg
    02:46.60 - KILL:     =HKG= Rage [innocent] killed |UGA|PatPeter [traitor]
    *** Damage log end.

When I told him he RDMed, he responded with:

=HKG= Rage: "Hey PatPeter, I'm an admin. Therefore your argument is invalid."

I (STEAM_0:1:7366484) will not even bother to post an admin abuse report on their forums if they allow this sort of ideology.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Red vs. Blue Contradictions

I found a list of RvB contradictions while going through some of my documents back from the original run of the series, so I decided to post them.
  • Eulogy
    • Episode 17: Tucker says 'eulogize'.
    • Episode 51: He says he does not know what the word means.
  • Spanish
    • Episode 16: Donut says, "Am I the only one not understanding any of this?" on Lopez speaking. 
    • Episode 75: He says, "I took four years of high school Spanish."
  • Sex
    • Episode 21:"Sometimes at night when I think about my parents having sex I get really mad for some reason."
    • Episode 76: He says, "Maybe we should have the doctor explain, uh, just how babies are made you know..."
  • Armor
    • Episode 21: Caboose is shot in the foot. Episode 89: Simmons says, "You are wearing state-of-the-art biomechanical  body armor. It's designed to deflect bullets and absorb explosions.
  • Sniper Rifle
    • Episode 26: Caboose uses the sniper rifle.
    • Episode 82: He says he does not know how to use the sniper rifle.
  • Episode 100: Yellow Church is pushed out of Caboose's body not as a ghost but as a physical body.
Also as an additional note Church from Episode 51 can be seen in Episode 23.

    Sunday, October 16, 2011

    Worst Gaming Organization of the Week: Pub Gaming

    Technically this is another WGOW (pronounced "w go w") from last week, but the slot was taken for a shorter post.

    Alright, so on 2011 October 9 at 11:40pm, ttt_losttemple_v1, I went idle to go to the washroom before the next round started. The moment I return, I am killed in spawn as a traitor. When the round ends I accuse my killer, -[PuG]-Bounty (STEAM_0:0:7854799), of RDM. Not only was my claim dismissed, but I was also ridiculed by several members, most notably Monp whom I assume to be the leader of the organization (ranked Head Admin). They said that Bounty was allowed to kill me because my traitor buddy did not kill me.

    I posted an admin complaint/ban request on their forums, my main argument being:
    Are neither of these individuals aware that on the majority of TTT servers it is illegal to kill AFKs?

    Why is it illegal to kill AFKs on most servers? Because most TTT servers have it set to default for players to be moved to spectator after 45-90 seconds of inactivity (default is 180). This way, you have people in spec instead of potential stalemates (i.e. the last innocent and the last traitor are both idle), or stagnated games.
    To which they responded:
    tacosx22 (STEAM_0:1:23922408): ive been killed for that reason tonnes of times.. dont be such a bitch

    Monp (STEAM_0:0:14987480): Good job filing a complaint because your traitor buddy got you caught. Too bad it was a legit reason to kill.
    If my traitor buddy was any sort of TTT regular it is entirely plausible that he did not kill me based on the reasoning that killing AFKs is illegal on most servers.

    It gets worse. We are playing dm_richland and I have my first traitor round. A little ways in -[PuG]- Charr Legion (STEAM_0:0:13399606) says, "It's PatPeter; it's PatPeter!" To which I responded, "What's your evidence? What's your evidence?" He never gave his evidence.

    I (STEAM_0:1:7366484) can only conclude based on this night of gaming with this organization that Pub Gaming is a favoritism-centered, ghosting organization whose server should not be visited.

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Worst Gaming Organization of the Week: HeLLsGamers

    I was just now, not more than 10 minutes ago, banned from HeLLsGamers' Trouble in Terrorist Town server:

    [HG] 24/7 Trouble in Terrorist Town | Custom | FastDL | HeLLsGa

    During the first round, I was RDMed by an innocent, HG |`john [L] #BF (STEAM_0:0:3118430), with a scout to the head. The detective killed him. All right, the detective killed him, it's fine right? Wrong. During that round as well, -hg- Green Ranger#TRR (STEAM_0:1:11466320) camped in a bush on the other side of the map as a Terrorist.

    I asked Green Ranger if he knew it was a rule not to camp as a traitor, to which they responded it wasn't a rule. Fine. I told them it was the general consensus of the TTT community, but they blew me off with "yeah, whatever kid".

    Next round, I'm a traitor. I (STEAM_0:1:7366484) walk around a little, buy a radar, do nothing traitorous, kill not a single person. What happens? HG |`john [L] #BF RDMs me again. When the next round began I posted this link:

    The first rule of which is: "- No Random Death-Matching (No RDMing)". The admin rocketed me up and killed me pre-round. In-between the transition between pre-round and the round itself I said, "So that's why only HeLLsGamers members are in the server."

    Disconnect: BANNED: No reason specified.

    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Bugs, Glitches, Exploits, and Shortcuts

    A negative opinion lurks over those deemed 'exploiters' in most games, but is this really just? Do such individuals who use said tactics really deserve to be looked at in such a poor fashion? Rather, there is a difference between bugs, glitches, exploits, and shortcuts that are strewn together under the umbrella of 'exploit'. Therefore, I will differentiate these so that such a misinterpretation no longer occurs:
    • Bugs - Bugs are an unintentional, uncontrollable, serious problem that can either allow a player or team to automatically win or can kill a player or the entire team.
    • Glitches - Glitches are also unintentional and uncontrollable, but much more minor compared to bugs. Glitches might stop a player from reloading or restart the respawn timer.
    • Exploits - Exploits give a holistic advantage over the enemy team or player in a game. This means that the exploiter can have no risk of backfire otherwise it is a shortcut.
    • Shortcuts - Shortcuts are the usage of map-specific mechanics that allow a player to skip a certain part of it (shortcuts are only applicable to games such as Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, whereas the other three can apply to any game). Shortcuts are differentiated from exploits in that they can kill a player or team. If a player has to jump from one platform to another and the possibility of falling off exists, then it is a shortcut. If no threat to the player exists, it is an exploit.

    Left 4 Dead vs. Left 4 Dead 2

    This post began on October 9, 2010, but I have only just now completed it today. I have, many a time, partook in the year old argument (stemming from the Boycott), of the similarities and differences between Left 4 Dead (1) and Left 4 Dead 2 (to which I will refer as L4D and L4D2 respectively), along with which constitutes as a better game.

    Read my BioShock 2 review for my abbreviated synopsis of Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2.

    The first and most important aspect of both L4D and L4D2 easily identifies as plot, followed by character development. Left 4 Dead was known as a game with no plot. The player could decide for him or herself the predicament of the survivors. The player could either think of the campaigns as a chain, a series of separate events all linked up, or individual instances of "What would happen if?" scenarios, such as, "What would happen if the survivors were stranded in an urban area at the time of the outbreak?", or "What would happen if the survivors were stranded in a rural area at the time of the outbreak?".

    The Left 4 Dead comic portrays a time-line of No Mercy, Crash Course, Dead Air, Death Toll, and then Blood Harvest (The Sacrifice, The Passing) based on this page, which contradicts the inevitable storyline caused by the Crash Course DLC: No Mercy, Crash Course, Death Toll, Dead Air, and finally, Blood Harvest (The Sacrifice, The Passing) based on this webpage. The Crash Course DLC also leaves Dead Air and Blood Harvest swappable, without the influence of the comic.

    Left 4 Dead 2 has no such freedom. All campaigns have a regimented connection with the other campaigns. The survivors start at Dead Center, (meet the original survivors in The Passing,) take Jimmy Gibb's car to Dark Carnival, crash the helicopter in Swamp Fever, get gas for Virgil in Hard Rain, and have the military pickup in The Parish. Because of the control Left 4 Dead gives the player over deciding the storyline for oneself, it has a greater plot, a great plot in no plot.

    Character Development
    Now it may not be fair to compare the original survivors to the new survivors seeing that the original have a comic and an ending to their adventure, so I will try to constrain characters to the game and DLC.

    Simply put, the original survivors have very general personalities that can be applied deductively to the player, whereas the new survivors have very specific personalities that, to the contrary, cannot be applied inductively.

    For instance, Bill is a old military veteran; he represents the leader and veteran gamer type or simply the senior member of a team. Francis is the dark-humored biker who represents the trolls and punk gamer types, or a player with a darker sense of humor. Louis is the light-hearted minority who can represent either the minority gamer or players who play games to have fun. Finally, Zoey represents the casual gamer or the female gamer.

    Left 4 Dead 2 can have no such comparisons: Coach is a high school football coach, Nick is a gambler, Ellis is a redneck, and Rochelle is a news reporter. There is no leader, no one character represents minorities, and Rochelle cannot represent the female gamer as a news reporter (female college students represent the female gamer best for obvious reasons). Nick is closest in representing a character type with the mystery of his 'profession' similar to the mystery surrounding the Left 4 Dead survivors before the comic, as well as his pessimism. It is only to Nick that I will concede successful character development, which is why by this objective reasoning he is my most played character.

    User Interface
    Left 4 Dead 2 tries to look the part with a rugged, bloody, and raw interface. The consequence is that it does not look as polished as Left 4 Dead's user interface. The first-aid kit and pain pills are much better looking in Left 4 Dead compared to Left 4 Dead 2. This is good for comparison.

    In addition the user loses small things such as not being able to see his or her feet in Left 4 Dead 2, as well as the 'vocalize' command. Left 4 Dead 2 also has the 7/8 glitch, where a server reports to Steam that it has 7/8 players but upon connecting to the server the server believes it is full and kicks that player.

    Left 4 Dead 2 uses themes from Left 4 Dead's music except with a Georgian/Louisiana. This is disgusting not because of the region it takes after, but because Left 4 Dead 2 bastardized Left 4 Dead's music.

    Just as two is better than one, seven is better than three. Left 4 Dead only has two tier 1 weapons: pump shotguns and submachine guns, and three tier 2 weapons: auto shotgun, assault rifle, and the hunting rifle, whereas Left 4 Dead 2 has four tier 1 weapons: pump shotgun, chrome shotgun, submachine gun, and silenced submachine gun, and seven tier 2 weapons: tactical shotgun, combat shotgun (SPAS), hunting rifle, sniper rifle, M-16 Assault Rifle, Combat Rifle (SCAR), and AK-47. Left 4 Dead 2 also has tier 3 weapons (special tier): the M79 Grenade Launcher and the M60 Machine Gun.

    Left 4 Dead does, however, have superior pistols. The default pistol in Left 4 Dead 2 is the P220 and, when duel-wielded, the Glock as well. These two pistols are vastly inferior to the M1911 from Left 4 Dead, as they usually are in modern warfare games as well. The Magnum almost makes up for this when incapacitated, but when standing duel-M1911s dominate overall.

    Left 4 Dead 2 obviously has the addition of melee weapons, so no comparison can be made. No comparison can be made to laser sights, incendiary ammo, or explosive ammo either. It did, however, add bile bombs on top of molotovs and pipe bombs.

    Everything health-related is multiplied by two. In addition to health packs are defibrillators and in addition to pills are adrenaline. Adrenaline is, in my opinion, the greatest addition to the Left 4 Dead universe. It is because of this and all the aforementioned additions to Left 4 Dead 2 that allow it to dominate over Left 4 Dead in terms of gameplay.

    Left 4 Dead's scoring system is based on survival and health. Health packs and used pain pills add onto your score once you've reached the safe room. This, in contrast to Left 4 Dead's system based on distance and survival, is far superior. Left 4 Dead 2's scores should have been hidden so that score is only shown at the end of the map, like Left 4 Dead. The result is that a player joins and sees his or her team down by 300-2000 points, which results in a 25-50% rage factor.

    The Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 communities have many of the same gamer types. Amongst L4D and L4D2 a gamer will find: hardcore (CEVO) players, casual players, griefers, exploiters, shortcutters, rushers, trolls, and punks. The difference is the quality and quality of such groups and individuals. Left 4 Dead 2's features such as Team Versus brought a plague of hardcore players along with the game appealing

    To play a game a L4D or L4D2, a player not only has to ensure that his or her team wins, but that the other team does not lose so much that they leave. This creates a large difference between Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. In L4D, if the enemy team ragequits, the game goes on just as it would. In L4D2, if the enemy team leaves, the server shuts down. Thus, these two ways of playing identify as:
    1. A game to win.
    2. A game of politics.
    If a good player or a good team wipes the floor with pubs, they disconnect and the server shuts down. Server shutdowns are the worst change between Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 that has only increased trolling and griefing.

    In comparing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, I grant each the following in which is better than the other:

    Quality Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2
    Character Development
    User Interface
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) Director

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    Pirates of the Caribbean IV: On Stranger Tides Review

    Alright, I meant to write a review for this movie after I had seen it, but I just now found the note that reminded me to make a review for this movie. This will not be a proper review, just the various things I noted about the movie.

    The main problem with PotC IV was too many plot points. The movie felt very rushed from the beginning when the fishermen find the man with the book on Ponce de León who managed to both hold onto that book as well as it not getting it wet while not drowning (to which the Spanish embark on a quest without further explanation).

    It basically tried to be a mirror image of the first three movies all in one. First, you have objects cast in rare metals that need to be taken to an structure in the middle of a cavern (mirror to the first movie). Second, you have the fusion of two romances, in the trilogy: Will & Elizabeth and Davy Jones & Calypso, in the fourth movie: Jack Sparrow & Angelica and Philip Swift & Syrena (mirror to the second movie leading into the third movie). Third, you have three entities vying for supremacy, in the trilogy: the English Fleet, the Pirates, and Davy Jones, in the fourth movie: the Spanish conquistadors, the English privateer, and Blackbeard.

    Well that's all I have to say, it's well past due that I post this review.

    Monday, May 30, 2011

    Review of Fable III (Spoiler Alert)

    Some of this review will be a comparison to Fable: The Lost Chapters, which is expected being the second sequel to TLC. I'll start with the list of good things about the game, so that hopefully everyone ignores the list of negative things I found about the game.

    1. Weapon upgrades.
    2. Special battle scenes.
    3. No wasps.
    4. No beetles.
    5. Addition of wolves.
    6. Balverines have a much more fierce attack than in Fable: TLC.
    7. Guards do not upgrade
    8. Manage all properties from mini-map.
    9. Gun handling for different directions.
    10. Treasury.
    11. Attacking stops the player from opening chests.
    12. Jobs. – Sometimes jobs can be tedious, but since the player can just spam real estate you only play a job for fun (hopefully).
    13. The mini-map lists all silver key, gold key, and gnome locations.
    14. Music during sex.
    15. Co-op: Can kill gnomes and collect silver keys from your world in another player's world.
    16. Reaver – At first I was angry because I wanted Reaver's head on a platter a lot more than Logan's, but his speeches when you are monarch and you make a decision are riveting and made being a monarch that much better.
    17. Fast travel – A necessity otherwise it would be a dominant walking game.
    18. Buying houses seems to spawn people so even if you let half your kingdom die, you can regain some of it.
    19. You still collect rent for your world in another player's world.
    20. The Darkness. – When I first traveled to Aurora with Walter it felt like I was in an entirely different game, not even in the Fable universe anymore. At first I marked this as bad, but I enjoyed it later on.
    1. No armor.
    2. No trolls.
    3. Hollow Men – A far underpowered version of the Undead from Fable: The Lost Chapters, mainly due to their having no skin or armor to make them harder to kill.
    4. Interacting with people not in realtime. – You spend the majority of the game in a black screen as you transition to talk to someone.
    5. No health bar.
    6. No Mana bar.
    7. Can only buy what is on display in a shop. – There is some degree of annoyance having to run all across each area buying potions, food, and new weapons.
    8. Only two weapons for each class (mêlée/ranged). – The rifle/pistol dichotomy makes sense, but sword/hammer? What happened to the maces, cleavers, and greataxes from Fable: TLC?
    9. Pistols should be duel-wieldable or have more ammo than the rifle. – When the player starts out, there is no reason to use a pistol over a rifle. The rifle is stronger, has a greater range (they are ranged weapons after all), and has the same ammo as the pistol. Of course, duel-wielding two different pistols would make pistols far superior to rifles, so in short, pistols should have had six shots to them.
    10. Only one type of quest. – Whereas in Fable: TLC, you could have Gold/Silver/Bronze quests, all quests other than core mix together so you can have a series of relationship quests spamming your quest list, or have your quest set to the gnome/book/flower quest that will lead to nowhere.
    11. Cannot chose emotes. – Sorry, maybe I hate playing patty-cake whenever I meet someone. I would prefer to shake hands but that goes away after the first emote pack.
    12. Back-story shallow. – Yes, Logan is the hero from Fable II, but what made Logan Archon? There is no telling why he was 'the last great Hero'.
    13. No paths. – Paths are interwoven with cities so that every area has some sort of human settlement with mobs either all around it (Silverpines) or many mobs before it (Mourningwood). The rest of the areas do not show up on the map because they count as being part of another area, so you may either not know they exist or forget they exist, such as The Hole. Mini-areas should at least show up on the map in grey.
    14. Should not tell the player if his/her choices are good or evil. – The player should be able to surmise for him/herself whether choices are good or evil.
    15. No access to your inventory. – If there was anything I hated about this game, it was not knowing whether I had something necessary on hand or if I would have to go travel to get it again.
    16. The subtitles for letters transition too fast. – Far ahead of the speaker's pace.
    17. The Hero says 'Who's a lovely boy?' when tickling little girls.
    18. Can only hold 10 of one type of food, and can only have that type of food on hand. – i.e. that type of food would be replaced if the player picked up or bought another type of food.
    19. Co-op can switch the amount of gold between the two players.
    20. Co-op bug where the owner of the world cannot use the map, but the guest can.
    21. Cannot use the map in demon doors.
    22. Cannot tell the gender of a baby before naming it.
    23. 'Unhappy' responses the same as neutral. – My wife came up to me and said 'Nice to meet you!'.
    24. Worst. Final. Boss. Ever. – I wanted to kill the Crawler, some big evil tentacle thing that would use crazy Darkness attacks or blind me or some such. When he took control of Walter, I thought it was a mini-boss, when killing Walter ended the game, I thought it was a joke.
    Overall, and using my standard for all games, these are the ratings I would give Fable 3:

    Overall3/5 ★★★☆☆
    Plot3/5 ★★★☆☆
    Character Development3/5 ★★★☆☆
    Gameplay4/5 ★★★★☆
    User Interface2/5 ★★☆☆☆
    Video3/5 ★★★☆☆
    Sound2/5 ★★☆☆☆

    Basically, it is a good game, but not worth $50, maybe $20 (Overall); the plot was decent yet predictable (the evil monarch committing evil acts for an ulterior good cause); the character development between Walter Beck/Ben Finn and a few other characters is decent; the gameplay was not phenomenal but it was fun using firearms and spells; the user interface failed in not having things like the inventory; the video was good but I thought it was only slightly better than Fable: TLC; and if I try to think of the music, Fable: TLC music comes to my head.

    In conclusion, I've told this to many people, but if you ever hear this you can know I started it:
    Lionhead Studios should make a Fable Ø based on the events detailed in books from Fable: The Lost Chapters. It would be the tale of William Black, the first Archon of the Old Kingdom and the Hero who defeated the Court (The Knight, Queen, and Jack of Blades), with creatures such as dragons as normal mobs or mini-bosses as well as the return of Trolls (which Fable III removed), and possibly ogres and other such mythical beasts not in the Fable universe yet.
    Forgive my use of a vowel for a slashed zero, but the actual Unicode 0̸ does not display well.