Friday, July 5, 2019

MORDHAU Server Hosting Comparison

€15,00 a month ($16.84) / $0.33 a slot
(only New York, clone of GTX gaming?)

€24,34 a month ($27.32) / $0.54 a slot

€25,00 a month ($28.07) / $0.56 a slot
(clone of GTX?)

$33.00 a month / $0.66 a slot

$37.50 a month / $0.75 a slot

$37.50 a month / $0.75 a slot

$40.70 a month / $0.84 a slot
(no Chicago)

$44.99 a month / $0.89 a slot

€42,50 a month ($47.71) / $0.95 a slot

$50.07 a month / $1.01 a slot

$54.50 a month / $1.09 a slot

$56.50 a month / $1.13 a slot

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Servers Disappearing from the Master Server List - Ports?

I upgraded to MultiAdmin 3.x for two reasons: server stability (less crashes) and the mysterious [MEMES] server disappearance. MultiAdmin 2.x would lose track of [MEMES] and ONLY [MEMES] and refuse to restart the instance.

Of course, upon getting this same issue in MultiAdmin, I was furious but I believe I've found it to be one of two issues:

1) For whatever reason it cannot allocate ports 7777 or 7778 so it starts incrementing the ports, which were blocked by the firewall.
2) The daemon should pause instead of using read because read occasionally locks the process.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Week of April 21st Void Glitches

Void Glitches began to frequently affect #3 [RP] and then spread onto #4 [MEMES] during this week. I tried moving the SCP Secret Laboratory folder as well as purging the configs, and disabling all plugins, reintroducing them one-by-one.

Nothing worked. One change that I did make was to detect lines like this in the config_global.txt:

ec_end_conditions: [<-- p="" space="">
And delete those lines from the resulting configs if they were not filled in. These configs with trailing spaces might have been the cause of the Void Glitch, but I have no way of knowing.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

No Color, No Verification - SCP:SL Server Glitch #7

If you set a role color to "default" in your config_remoteadmin.txt, it will prevent your server from being verified.